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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

HealthCare.gov Is Getting Personal

The partisan spat over HealthCare.gov is getting personal. The House Oversight Committee, headed by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), is hauling over administration witnesses. He wants to find out what went wrong with the failed launch of the federal healthcare insurance exchange. But not everyone is showing up. Issa issued a subpoena to Todd Park, the chief technology officer. Park was held back by higher-ups in the administration, who said he was too busy working to fix the site. Park's staff say they tried to negotiate a different date for his appearance. Issa says Park represents an unfortunate pattern. Meanwhile Avalere, a health care think tank, estimates only 49,000 people have signed up for insurance using state-run exchanges. Federal figures come out this week.


  1. Demoncrats gave obammy 72 hours to fix aca or they will join repubs in passing legislation to fix it for him.

    dems are a little slow on the uptake but are finally coming around. if only they did this sooner, we would not have had to have a govt slimdown.

  2. DO NOT GO THERE! The site so data mining anyone looking at the first page! It's dripping with latch on data mining.


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