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Monday, November 25, 2013


Quick: Think about any recent gun-control article or statement written by or about someone who favors the gun-control argument. Have you noticed anything? NRA News contributor Colion Noir has: the term “gun control” is being replaced by “gun safety.” And he’s none too happy about it.

“Unless they changed the gun safety rules, which are pretty much the Bible of the gun world – so I’m pretty sure they’re still the same – I don’t see how any of the proposed measures by anti-gunners will aid in the safety of gun use,” Noir says of the “gun safety placebo” in his latest video after recapping the four foundational rules of gun safety.

“Think about it, what changed?” he adds. “When they were calling it gun control, they wanted universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, high capacity magazine ban, round limitations, and every other useless measure that would do nothing to stop criminals. Now they’re calling it gun safety like that somehow changed their intent, but nothing has changed. They still want the same things, and they’re still going to get the same ineffective results.”


  1. These are the same people that created the 'politucally correct" speech concept which is nothing more.than cemsorship. Sadly, too many citizens are willing to give up their first and second amendment rights in exchange foe a government check or an underhanded add That is how the liberals are trying to take away our rights. A favorite quote of mine is "all that is required for evil.to succeed is.for good men to do nothing". We have to exercise.our rights or they will be taken from us.

  2. Well I warned you all, I told you all...

    Yet I was the dumb @ss remeber, I was the one who knew not of what I was speaking about, REMEMBER?

    Yet I was right, hmmm funny how that works...

    these people don't want guns or the 2nd amendment, or they would fight for it...


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