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Thursday, November 07, 2013


ANNAPOLIS – On Friday, November 8, Governor O’Malley will host an employment for veterans roundtable with Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Secretary Leonard Howie, Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Edward Chow Jr., Department of Business and Economic Development Secretary Dominick Murray, Maryland National Guard Major General James A. Adkins, U.S. Department of Labor Assistant Director William Slemmer, various veterans services coordinators and veterans from around the state to discuss the challenges, successes and opportunities for veterans attempting to find employment in Maryland.

WHEN: Friday, November 8, 2013, 2:00 p.m.

WHERE: USNA Officers Club, Coral Sea Room, Annapolis, MD

*** Enter the Naval Academy through Gate 3. You will need to show identification.

The O’Malley-Brown Administration’s goal is to achieve full employment for Maryland veterans by the end of calendar year 2015. The Administration is investing in education programs for veterans and working with State agencies employment officers to encourage the hiring of veterans for State employment. The Governor will also introduce Veterans.Maryland.Gov, a redesigned website that will better offer services to veterans.

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