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Monday, November 04, 2013

Going To Get Daddy!


  1. Where are they? I'll take them wherever they need to go to get their Dad!

  2. the same stupid cops that hassle kids for selling lemonade probably busted these two for hitchhiking, then the social services nazi's decided they had bad parents so the kids got taken away from them and put in an institution where they will be reformed to rid them of their evil ways, then the feds swooped down and seized the family's home and tore it down,(as a lesson to others), and gave daddy a dishonorable discharge while putting mommy in prison where she was sterilized. then the family pets were seized and killed to protect the neighborhood from fluffy and fido, and all the folks in the area got free therapy and medication from the government to help them cope with it all,....yep, that's the america we live in today, liberal looneyland. think about it.

    1. Where did that come from dumb a** (6:56)? This post mentions nothing of what you spew. Get help!

  3. not only do you have no sense of humor 7:46, you have no sense at all!!

  4. both of you two need to shut up and go back to watching Honey Boo Boo or someother dumba-- show that insults normal people's intelligence.

  5. Yup 6:56... spot on.
    Liberal looneyland.
    7:46 can't see it or won't admit it if he did.
    That's the problem with liberals, they hate being called out as the hypocrites they are.
    The fact about Afghanistan is, the Obama regime's rules of engagement have been getting our troops killed.

  6. Effin idiots! The post is about two children trying to see their dad. 7:46 has this right. All of you other grandstanders should find another story to pound your little boy chests on. GOOD JOB 7:46!!!


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