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Sunday, November 10, 2013


Last week the Salisbury Police Department needed access to my roof to assess the damage and evidence left behind by the people who stole my A/C units as well as the ones on the Opportunity Shop. 

In order to do the job properly the SPD needed equipment that would allow them to view each roof. I suggested they call the Salisbury Fire Department and without hesitation they came right away.

They were more than just kind and courteous. They were truly professional and it couldn't have been done without them. Thank You!


  1. That had to hurt a bit Joe, but glad you posted it...

  2. Why is my tax money helping you personally? You should have hired a private company to assist you. What makes you special. I WILL BE FILING A COMPLAINT. You can bank on it. You surely don't deserve this freebie. Especially from the fire department.

    1. Shut up 1:36! They would do it for you too.

  3. anonymous 1:36, perhaps you didn't read the Post. The SPD needed help from the SFD. Perhaps you tend to forget that I am a major taxpayer in the City of Salisbury as well. I am also the victim of a CRIME.

  4. Hey 1:36
    The Fire Dept and police are considered public servants. We pay their salary from taxes.
    Just who will you file a complaint with ? Just remember if you file , that is also public information not

  5. 1:36 Mind if I buy some of your ebt money? $.50 on the dollar? Sound good?

  6. The only crime was that you were ever born, Joe.

    1. JT should be charges with obstruction. His fat a** blocks everything but his mouth. Amazing!

  7. Glad you posted this hopefully you wont forget it.

  8. Hope you at least fed them lunch.

  9. Some of them are decent and some of the better ones have left.

  10. Some of the stupid, ignorant comments here.

    Joe is a taxpayer, entitled to NO LESS than any other taxpayer.

    SPD needed help for working on a crime scene. SFD and SPD work together. All are paid by taxpayers.

    Catching the S.O.B.'s who did this just MAY save YOUR house or business from being ripped off this way!

    EVERYONE worked together - Joe, the Opportunity Shop, the SPD, the SFD - to address a crime, hopefully solve it and protect EVERYONE!

    Joe was gracious and gave credit where credit was due, yet some nasty people had to continue to be nasty.

    This little post and the actions of everyone was a bright spot for Salisbury and some of you jerks just had to squat on it.

  11. Blah blah blah 9:24. Go to bed.

  12. How does JT expect anybody to take him seriously when his says stuff like that. What a f***ing idiot


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