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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Gitmo Good Life: U.S. Spends Millions On Landscaping, Art Classes For Terror Detainees

Thanks to a multimillion-dollar federal contract, Guantanamo Bay prisoners can enroll in seminars to learn all about basic landscaping and pruning, calligraphy and Microsoft PowerPoint while the U.S. figures out what to do with them.

Prisoners also can get in touch with their artistic sides.

“At a minimum, the art seminar shall include water color painting, charcoal sketching, Arabic calligraphy, acrylic painting and pastel painting,” contract records reviewed by The Washington Times state.

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  1. Do American prisoners get the same luxuries in the terrorists countries?

  2. yeah, they need all that. airlift & drop them home with a choice as to whether they get a parachute.


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