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Thursday, November 07, 2013

Former NSA Codebreaker: I Tried To Tell People About Government Spying

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A former NSA codebreaker reveals that more than a decade ago, he tried to expose government spying on every day Americans.

The Maryland man tells Mary Bubala he blew the whistle long before anyone heard of Edward Snowden–but no one would listen.

WJZ investigates his story and the price he paid.



  1. thank God for Snowden...

  2. All I can say is that I am a FORMER having worked there 20 years. It's hard to comment on what Obama has turned this (once proud) Agency into,

    It is what it is,.

  3. Woulda shoulda coulda.A technogeek like Snowden had to evolve for this to come to light.Others may have had good intentions,but he had the wherewithal to actually do it.


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