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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Feds Deploy National Spy System Of Microphones Capable Of Recording Conversations

Hidden in plain sight: The next level of NSA snooping will detect dissent via ubiquitous audio sensors

The revelations of Edward Snowden shone fresh light on NSA spying targeting the American people, but what has gone largely unnoticed is the fact that a network of different spy systems which can record real time conversations are already in place throughout many urban areas of the United States, as well as in the technology products we buy and use on a regular basis.

These systems are no secret – they are hiding in plain view – and yet concerns about the monolithic potential for their abuse have been muted.

That lack of discussion represents a massive lost opportunity for the privacy community because whereas polls have shown apathy, indifference, or even support for NSA spying, anecdotal evidence suggests that people would be up in arms if they knew the content of their daily conversations were under surveillance.



  1. "Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut"

  2. I'll find these and start a conversation that will burn their ears off and keep them busy coming to see me laugh at them! Then I'll go to the next spot!

  3. Are they still saying all this surveillance is to catch "terrorists"? Just checking....


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