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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Driver's Licenses For Those In U.S. Illegally Good For Public Safety, Advocates Say

Licensing immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally should be a boon to public safety and reduce deportations for minor offenses, according to some working with that community.

Earlier this month, the Motor Vehicle Administration began scheduling appointments starting next year for Maryland residents who are in the country illegally to apply for driver's licenses and identification cards.

Applicants will be subject to the same fees, testing and residency requirements as citizens. However, they will be allowed to present foreign proof of identity.



  1. This is a big mistake. If there is a law suit from an accident or injury, how can you recover losses from someone not legal to live here. Ok, I'll just send the bill to O'Malley, or maybe Conway or Mathias.

  2. what about the word illegal do liberals not understand?

  3. To 10:41, if the illegal immigrant has assets, then he or she can easily be sued. If they don't, then they are in the same position as a citizen who has no assets.

    It's not like giving them licenses will encourage them to drive. They are driving already, but without licenses. It's better to make them go through the process of learning the rules of the road and all that.

  4. 10:52 The bottom line here is revenue. Just look at the fees associated with acquiring a license. So it's all more taxes for Maryland.

  5. The only good thing about this is that there'll be a database on them when/if sanity does finally veil our leaders and deportation begins.

  6. illegal means illegal. what in the world is so hard for people to grasp this. deport them unless they are here legally

  7. Yes, 11:14, and I'm sure you never speed, and that you make a complete stop at every stop sign, and that you tally up your purchases made online and pay the sales tax owed on them with your income taxes, and otherwise comply with every other single law passed by the federal, state, and local governments.

    Oh, you don't? Then you're "illegal," too.

  8. Good luck with that…..I gave up on MD DMV years ago. License costs too much, always a hassle, documents not good enough for them…a passport is a federal id but DMV won't take it. Got my license in FL. Half the cost and valid for 9 years.

  9. Kook liberals running this country in the ground and the majority is letting them.

  10. Try doing this in Mexico or Canada...


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