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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Democratic Senator: Shut Down HealthCare.gov

The Obama administration says a senior Democratic Senator asked the White House to shut down HealthCare.gov until it's fixed. The answer was "no." The Wall Street Journal reports, the request came from Sen. Dianne Feinstein. It went to Denis McDonough, the president's chief of staff. He says administration officials believe it's easier to fix the site if it's kept running. McDonough said the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services had also considered taking it offline.


  1. It needs to be kept up at this point so the people can see the truth and feel the pain!

  2. Only an idiot would register online for Obamacare.

  3. Well poster 10:46 PM: you to are an idiot then... Because after 2014, you will have no choice but to register on that exact website...

    To think otherwise shows your lack of understanding and the ability to know right from wrong and reality from fake...

    You are the problem not the govt... The govt has been doing this before govts existed... in the form of kings and people who control others...

    IT IS UP TO YOU TO STOP THIS not someone else, everyone else is waiting for someone else to do it for them and look no one is... so how do you expect it to get fixed or taken out of law?

  4. Feinstein has to justify her "job", since her gun bill got flushed. How she is an elected official, and not in a shelter, is beyond me. Nevermind, california.


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