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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Daily Times Has Hidden Price Increase To Subscribers

There are many customers/subscribers to the Daily Times who are on what they call an easy pay program. This is where they get billed a specific amount of money each month for the paper.

One customer noticed an increase in their latest bill. Why, because the Daily Times is, (without your knowledge) charging $1.74 more for your upcoming Thanksgiving Newspaper.

When the Daily Times was called and questioned about the increase they stated that they have additional sale flyers in the paper. This means the Daily Times is making MUCH more money than usual from those ADVERTISERS, so why charge the subscriber more money for the paper? The Daily Times stated it cost them more money for their carriers to deliver a larger paper, therefore the subscribers have to pay for it. 

So each of the subscribers are paying an additional $1.74 per paper and one customer/subscriber asked, are you paying the carrier $1.74 additional for each paper delivered? They had no comment. 


  1. Because last time I checked, it was a free market. And because they can.

  2. IF you want to talk about a FREE market, how id $1.74 charge FREE? IF the DT's has a set PAYMENT PLAN and they raise it $1.74 WITHOUT your knowledge, then again, how is that a FREE market. You must be a liberal, or work for the paper.

  3. There is no need to even buy a paper for the sales flyers anymore. People can go online and see them at places like theblackfriday.

  4. @ Joe

    I'm sure that you were making a point with the first sentence there, it's just not very clear, it you could explain so it's understandable?

    It's a FREE MARKET. DT can charge whatever they like! And, people can cancel if they don't like it! sooo.... last time I checked, it is a free market (quite the conservative/libertarian/capitolist principle I might add) and because they can. Just like you could charge for access to this blog if you wanted, because it's a free market, and because you can!

    ... and to be sure, I don't work for the paper, and I am a conservative/libertarian.

    IMHO, you posted this because you have a vendetta against the DT, and any time you can swipe at the competition you'll take it.

    Do I like it when things like this happen to me? NO! In fact we NEED more people to be "whistleblowers" when things like this happen... but while it may be a shady practice, it is certainly not outside of the scope of what DT can or cannot do... free market and all.

  5. Newspapers are so yesterday.

  6. anonymous 10:33, I understand the whole free market thing, come on now.

    My point is, when you have an agreement of a monthly payment, it is not right that the DT's, (whenever they so choose) WITHOUT written notice increases their price.

    The whole point of this article is the fact that I'd guess more than 95% of their customers are unaware that they had a hidden increase without their knowledge and I simply called them out on it.

    So there, it's out in the open and our viewers who also get the newspaper have the right to do with this information what they may. My guess, many will cancel their subscription of this liberal newspaper because they're acting just like their leaders Obama, O'Malley and O'Ireton.

    How's that for a free market? Paying customers have rights too.

  7. Carriers are paid 8 cents for the daily paper and 24 cents for Sunday. Not one penny more for Thanksgiving paper.

  8. Unless you are over 70 years old you shouldn't be reading the paper anyway. You can get all of your news online for free. Online news is also current.

  9. Comcast raises their rates whenever they feel like it...and they wonder why they are losing subscribers left and right!

  10. I'll just stop the automatic tip I have built in. No problem. Sorry carrier, talk to the distributor. And while newspapers may be so yesterday, I recycle all of mine to Johnson Mckee for use in their kennel. They are great by the way, good bunch.


  11. You can only abuse your customers so much. With each price increase or content delete fewer customers choose to subsidize the DT.

    These are desperate times for Gannett as they continue to shuffle the deck. Their continuously new managers will try this, that or the other thing endlessly rather than going back to basics and delivering a useful, honest product.

    The 'Where's Waldo' move with Mr. Stump's column is a recent example.

    Perhaps someday a local group will take over after Gannett has completely fizzled. One can wish.

  12. I just cancelled my subscription at the end of October, after 34 years of subscribing to this liberal rag.

  13. They've charged the Sunday price for the Thanksgiving paper for years, but that was only on the newsstands. Loyal home delivery customers always paid the normal daily rate. It is the Gannett Co.'s unmitigated GREED that pushed the price increase onto the people who already pay day in and day out. I happen to think the content and flyers are worth the cost. But the SNEAKY way these people have gone about it is just wrong. It depicts a level of arrogance that I find unbelievable.

  14. anonymous 4:05

    Funny you mentioned the Stump column. I spit my toast out when I read Mr. Stump encourage people who only get the paper on Sundays to borrow copies of the paper from their neighbors to keep from having to purchase weekdays when his stories run. Wonder if his bosses approve of their employee openly encouraging such sharing. Aren't they moving his stories out of Sunday's paper to get people to buy the weekday editions?

  15. Look, we only have 314 subscribers left, so we have to do what we can here. Oops! I wasn't supposed to say that! Dang! Okay, but still, since you still want the paper, we have to make money doing it.

    Mr Stump is your only lifeline, and without him, you have nothing.

    He needs to get a real job and kiss you goodbye.


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