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Monday, November 04, 2013


On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, Virginia Republican Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli said a Terry McAuliffe administration in Virginia would be a "threat to liberty." He urged Virginians to "send Washington a message" by voting against McAuliffe on Tuesday.

Cuccinelli mentioned that McAuliffe did not think Obamacare went far enough when he advocated a public option and said President Barack Obama's appearance in Virginia on Sunday on behalf of McAuliffe was a "blessing" because it brought a "crystal-clear focus to Obamacare in Virginia and what a disaster that is."

"He wants more of this," Cuccinelli said of McAuliffe and Obamacare.



  1. Sounding pretty desperate.

  2. 2:13 Please explain your statement. Apparently you do not understand the truth.

  3. Sounds like poor old Virginia has a choice between dumb and dumber. Any independents running? That would be my choice.

  4. A vote for McAuliffe is a vote to give away your freedoms to the government overlords.
    What part of that don't you get 2:13 ?

  5. Yea 6:21 Cuccinelli is all for freedoms as only defined by white, male, heterosexuals. That is his view of government.

  6. 7:11 Wrong, but better than another Communist immoral big Government schyster like Obama.
    I can't believe people like you even exist. How can you defend McAuliffe?
    How can you defend Democrats that are guilty of exactly what you accuse?
    Fools like you actually believe there is something wrong with being white,
    Being male, being hetero.
    There is a difference between right and wrong. Evidently you never learned the difference as most liberals with their anything goes lowlife lifestyle.


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