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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Case Dismissed: Sam Donaldson Cleared Of DUI

GEORGETOWN — A Sussex County judge dismissed charges against former ABC political correspondent Sam Donaldson, who last year was arrested in Lewes and charged with driving drunk.

Judge Rosemary Beauregard said the arresting officer’s report was incomplete and a failed sobriety test was improperly administered.

Donaldson appeared Nov. 8 in a nearly empty Sussex County courtroom. The state would call only one witness – arresting officer Katie Couchman of Lewes Police Department.



  1. see what a good lawyer could do for you .

  2. Imagine that! Sam Donaldson gets arrested locally and voila! the report was "incomplete" and the test was "improperly done". When you pay $5,000 to $10,000 for the lawyer to take the case, not all of it goes to the lawyer. You know what I'm saying.

  3. Give it up! Delaware has FAR MORE political issues that need addressing.

  4. Money buys wonderful things....

  5. You know the really sad part is that no one is surprised, He who has the money rules.

    So sorry for the police officer.

  6. This is what happens when you are in a position to pay off enough people with money and/or political favors. NO surprise here.

  7. oh, yeah, he's not guilty. that's why he wasn't arrested (facetious)

  8. The most trusted man in America.Not exactly the soberest.

  9. This is what causes good cops to go lazy. Why go out and work so hard if the lawyers in black robes just do whatever they want

  10. 10:28 Maybe you trust him, but he works for ABC... No thanks, Jeff.

  11. Maybe they should do an ABC special on how to get off of a drunk driving charge by simply paying a huge sum if $$$!

  12. I trust NOBODY any more. Apparently everyone, especially politicians and judges have a "breaking point", either from fear or $. There is no longer a tradition of Honor OR Integrity anywhere in the world.

  13. More proof that money and power can buy your way out of anything!!!
    What a total ahole!!!!!


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