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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Black Leader Challenges Oprah’s Claims Of White Racism

Media magnate Oprah Winfrey is under fire for recent controversial remarks she made during an interview with the BBC about her film "The Butler" prompting one black civil rights leader stating that he has had enough and that Winfrey is encouraging black racism.

In the interview posted on Praag on Sunday, Winfrey said that the only way for racism to disappear would be for “older white people who were born, bred, and marinated in prejudice and racism to die” but she also said that growing criticism of President Barack Obama is occurring occurs because Obama is an “African-American.”

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of BOND (Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny) and the South Central L.A. Tea Party, had enough and on Tuesday, released statements to the media that Oprah needs to back up her allegations or apologize.



  1. She is the real raceist. why is she at that podium?

  2. I thought Oprah was too smart to behave in this manner. Shame on her.

  3. This is not a surprise Oprah has always been a racist.

  4. To Oprah Winfrey, The same can be said about old black raciest people.
    Winfrey must turn in all that money she made off these raciest white people.

  5. The president is half white? she is the Racist.

  6. i challenge everything orca winfrey says

  7. 2:22 the President is half whit ? Hell Obama is the biggest racist the country has ever encountered.

  8. She was originally hired by a white man at WJZ13 in Baltimore. Go figure.

  9. ^^^2:32 PM
    Yep, that's always been the half she ignored!

  10. Oprah is not racist, just ask her and she will tell you that 'only white people are racist'!

  11. dopes, she didn't say or imply that it was all white people. She clearly stated that she was talking about a certain segment of the population. As a native of the south I will verify that many in that segment will tell you the exact SAME THING (born and raised that way and aint gonna change). Get over it.

  12. When you can no longer defend your position the scoundrel will resort to the charge of racism.

  13. Well, 3:39, I am White and of that age, and she wished me dead.

    I return the wish toward her, without being a racist. She has no right to paint us all with that brush, which I'm sure from my point of view, is quite narrow.

    You just have the wrong friends is all...

  14. YEAH the presidents WHITE SIDE brought him up not his BLACK communist abandoning father and grandfather.

  15. I am of that age as well (white)and have thought of myself as fair and impartial all my life and it don't see myself as racist in the least. My parents were racists and they always told me that "color will tell" meaning that even if someone pretends to be tolerate or racially blind the moment life is unfair "color will tell." I hate to see this happen to Oprah. I know she has struggled with her career change and people have not supported here new channel. I didn't use to think that Oprah was racist but I think that this world is beating her down and this has become her telling moment. So sad.

  16. Yeah, 549, poor baby at x million a year. Gawd, I feel sorry for her being kept down like that. It's like she is never even given a chance anymore! Poor kid. Really breaks me up, *sob*. Boo hoo.

  17. Oprah Needs to disappear from television and any other type of media. Since she started her own network she acts like she rules the world and not can go wrong. Oprah is an idiot one almost big as Obama as she looks nothing at the news and hasn't heard anything about the knockout games that Black mobs or children are playing.

  18. Anonymous said...
    dopes, she didn't say or imply that it was all white people. She clearly stated that she was talking about a certain segment of the population. As a native of the south I will verify that many in that segment will tell you the exact SAME THING (born and raised that way and aint gonna change). Get over it.

    November 20, 2013 at 3:39 PM

    What a soft hearted liberal. Ignorant moron. You are part of the problem.

  19. I keep hearing how smart Oprah is, but she repeatedly shows she is not. Of course the article said she was a native of Chicago, incorrect. She was born in Mississippi, moved to Balt where she sucked but somebody liked her and moved her to Chicago. I have always thought she wasn't too swift, but she has made a ton of money.


  20. it's because of his incompetence, nothing more. The
    "peter principle".

  21. Her audience is comprised of old white women... Doubt they'll be smart enough to stop funding her fortune.

  22. I wonder how she explains the black knock out violence.... or black on black violence in this country...or the huge majority of inmates that are black. Felt that we could trust Oprah as someone who understood and was making a way for others but is seems that her welfare only goes to black countries and black children. What about the lost generation of blacks here?

  23. Seriously folks? Take one moment and look through this blog alone. Their are plenty of racists to go around. She is absolutely correct, until the old ones die out and stop polluting others with their nonsense we will forever be divided by something none of us can change. It's amazing how bent out of shape folks get when truth is spoken. The majority of people who HATE the President aren't going off logic or his politics. They go off of the fact he is Black. He could cure cancer and there would still be a population of people spewing hate for the President.

    1. Name 5 things our president has done to make me proud of him . You have to earn respect.

  24. I know several kids in their teens that are FAR more racist than any adults I have ever met. Schools are breeding grounds for racial backlash because of so much special exceptions given to children of color. At least this is what the kids are saying.

  25. 2:09
    I can't believe you said that out loud. It's one thing to be a complete moron in the privacy of your own home or amongst good friends, but to put it out there for all to see is simply wrong.

  26. Well, 4:51, What can you say? The blog is open to anyone, and this proves that point! Wow! And there are more out there that think this way....

    God bless all my friends, whatever color, because I don't see it. Because you are my friend and have earned that, and I have earned that with you!
    God is blessing us!

  27. Anonymous said...Well, 4:51, What can you say? The blog is open to anyone, and this proves that point! Wow! And there are more out there that think this way....

    Yes 6:43, we know people like you are out there, that's the scary part. I can not believe that you are so narrow as to not recognize the racism that exists in the black youths today. To blame it on "old white people" is beyond comprehension.
    You ask, what can I say...Wake up.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Seriously folks? Take one moment and look through this blog alone. Their are plenty of racists to go around. She is absolutely correct, until the old ones die out and stop polluting others with their nonsense we will forever be divided by something none of us can change. It's amazing how bent out of shape folks get when truth is spoken. The majority of people who HATE the President aren't going off logic or his politics. They go off of the fact he is Black. He could cure cancer and there would still be a population of people spewing hate for the President.

    November 21, 2013 at 2:09 PM

    How in the world do you know that most people don't like Obama because he is black? You are an idiot making that assumption. Did you forget he is half white? I don't like him because he is a lying Democrat and a Muslim. What I dislike more than him is people like you that drool over him. You are nothing more than a misguided idiot.

  29. I am so so tired of the racism issue. It is an issue we have learned to accept as a tarnish on our United States America.. It is now promulgated by sensationalist pop-culture idols that use racism as a means to make money and political hay.
    The Doprah's of the world..please shut up and get lost. We need to move onward!

  30. Oprah and Obama are the two biggest racists in the United States. Oprah only helps black people and black colleges. She is also sexist. She has a school for girls in Africa. Don't African boys need an education too.


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