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Monday, November 04, 2013

Bill Maher Accuses Obama of Lying On Obamacare, His 'No New Taxes' Moment


  1. The ultra liberal a$$ Maher saying negative things against Obama? I think some place very hot is freezing over...

  2. Sorry, Charlie!

    A lie, is a lie, is a lie.

  3. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a vicious liberal Fascist. This woman has no integrity or concept of good and bad, right and wrong.
    She tows the party line like a tug.
    People like her are ruining this country with their Alinsky politics.

  4. Typical democrat female-subservient slave to a man who will toss out lies for a man like projectile vomit.

  5. 4 of the most clueless people I've seen, and they sound almost believable! WOW!

    They ignore more facts here than carter had liver pills!


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