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Monday, November 11, 2013

Baltimore Hilton Is O’Malley’s Folly

Baltimore City has a white elephant on its hands, a $301 million, deep-in-debt convention hotel it owns because of the folly of its former mayor, Martin O’Malley.

Back when the city was desperately trying to boost its sagging convention business, then-Mayor O’Malley and his economic development team insisted the answer was a convention hotel directly linked to the meeting facility.

He was right, but his method for getting the Hilton Baltimore built has put his City Hall successors in a frightful financial bind that will only worsen with time.

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  1. Put all the big O's together, Okra the Obomba lover, Obomba the Obomba lover, and Maryland's Ome-me. Their collective business acumen for liberal networks, liberal government and sinking like a stone liberal Maryland rivals that of investments into lottery tickets. One in a million. Guess they lose, except where liberal morons are concerned.

  2. well what did anyone with a brain expect? this is in Baltimore! thugs don' hold conventions! maybe the NAACP should buy it for their headquarters!

  3. Maybe it could be converted to an Islamic mosque?

  4. Two sure winners for O to consider,

    1. Casino - considering the millions made by the other state facilities, this would certainly work.

    2. Section 8 housing - take the current state money paid to others and move those renters into this high rise on the harbor.

    Either one would be a hit with the taxpayer, and bring a "boom" back to the inner harbor


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