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Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 11-6-13

Anonymous said...

We have had at least 3 large protests in D.C. recently. Bikers, truckers and now miners. All peaceful, on the part of the protesters. Can't say the same for government agents or the police.

All of you are blind to what is going on right in front your noses.

Arming and equipping the police like the military. Police brutality, illegal actions committed by the police, AND CLEARED of any wrongdoing. Which includes violating rights and MURDERING people, kids and pets.

And yet there are those among you who applaud these police actions. Even a 13 year old kid got what he had coming according to some of you.

Those people might as well go join the police side. They are not on our side, nor do we want them with their current way of thinking and allowing abuses and CRIMINAL ACTS to go unchecked, much less punished.

The government is prodding us every single day, in every way they can think of to provoke us to do something. Yet we sit on our collective asses, doing nothing other than bitching and moaning and saying 'someone' ought to do something.

There are people out here who would LOVE to do something. But the signals we see from some of you is that you really DON'T WANT anyone to do anything. If you did, you would not say crap like the kid deserved to be murdered. Even shot while on the ground facing away from the cops.

You people really don't care. You're fat, lazy and happy in your own little bubbles. You think a peaceful protest here and there will change the minds of those in power, and they will say, oh, I'm sorry. You are right, I have done terrible things. I will resign and give my power back to you.

That scenario will NEVER happen.

People are getting fed up and protesting. That's a good thing. It shows others they are not alone in their disgust of this admin and the police.

The founders of this country took enormous risks becoming free. Many lost their houses, fortunes, and just about anything they could lose.

Some of you won't risk missing an episode of your favorite tv show.

Until you are prepared to risk losing something, your money, your house, your LIFE, nothing will change. It will only get worse.

You have to be prepared to die, and KILL, if you want your country and your freedoms back.

How many of you are willing to do that?

You can't expect others to do it for you if you are not willing to do the same.

Stop looking for that 'someone else' and start looking at YOURSELVES.

November 6, 2013 at 3:03 AM


  1. It was convenient for the FED shutdown last month, without government employees traveling into DC and home at the end of the day, the truckers were unable to shut down traffic.

  2. Now THAT'S how to get on Homeland's list. Secret Service and FBI will probably be kicking his door down this week. But what he said is exactly true.

  3. Funny, that you should write about this topic becasue I talk about it all the time and NO ONE GIVES A RATS ASS.... TRUST ME...

    OH but wait, until it affects them, that is... They will be affected soon enough, and when that happens, they will come around to our side BUT it will be to late to do anything or fix the situation, let alone if we allow them to be on our side again...

    Secondly, The cops to will soon see that without them, none of this crap would be enforced and this is why the govt turns a blind eye...

    You have to keep the people doing your shit work happy or guess what? they won't do it... BUT again soon, once they did their job according to the govt, the cops will be right where we are... IN THE SAME EXACT SPOT... They will be left in the cold like the rest of us...

    All I can say is, make a list of the people who are bad, corrupt and the like... They will get their just do soon enough...

  4. Provide one example of police brutality that occurred during these protests.

  5. 9:29 Don't worry, his parents basement has 2 locks... he'll be fine.

  6. 11:07 you only need to look at what has happened in new mexico over the last few weeks 3 times to give you an idea of what is in store for you

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Provide one example of police brutality that occurred during these protests.

    November 8, 2013 at 11:07 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:29 Don't worry, his parents basement has 2 locks... he'll be fine.

    November 8, 2013 at 11:27 AM

    Two examples of my point. Probably by the same _____.

    I am no kid in anyone's basement my friend. In fact, we don't even have a basement.

    I'll address the police brutality comment with only this: the PEOPLE keep their cool, that is why there wasn't a major escalation of the conflict in front of the Spite House.

    Or maybe you didn't see the group of punks in riot gear trying to start something.

    You two? are exactly the type we are referring to. We have tried to talk to your type until we are blue in the face. You just don't get it and maybe you never will.

    Regardless, we no longer care. We have given up on you and will let you fall to your own demise.

    If you can't see the writing on the wall by now, there is little I can say to change that.

    Mr. Imclain, I would not be surprised if I am on some kind of list, as this is not the only site I do my little online 'protests'.

    If anyone comes kicking in my door, and I have time to arm myself, all will know who I am. I will do my best to shoot them right back out the door.

    To use obammy's words, reject the voices of the naysayers like we see here. Ignore them, but keep your eye on them. They WILL turn you in, report on you and anything else they can think of to support this country's downward spiral.

    We are divided, but that is not my doing. Like the demoncrats, some just take longer to realize what is happening.

    Keep your eye on the prize and no longer suffer fools.


  8. Again provide a specific example of police brutality that occurred at the protest in DC. Typical anti police hysteria without provide ONE factual statement.

  9. 1:55 PM

    Son, YOU are the one who keeps harping on police brutality at the protests in D.C.

    I never made any claim there WERE any there. Nor were any 13 yo kids shot there. Can't you comprehend english?

    I can tell by your attack style you're a demoncrat or rino, same same.

    Your attempt at distraction and misdirection might affect others like you, but it won't work here.

    Now go back listening to Jay Carney to get your information.

    I drink tea, not kool-aid.

  10. count me in when the action starts. thanks sjd

  11. This entire post references the police being aggressive and violent toward peaceful protesters in DC, yet not one example or fact is provide. So keep drinking your wacky tea. Im a registered republican btw.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This entire post references the police being aggressive and violent toward peaceful protesters in DC, yet not one example or fact is provide. So keep drinking your wacky tea. Im a registered republican btw.

    November 8, 2013 at 10:41 PM

    Actually, RINO, yes there was. You just don't know how to read, comprehend, or probably listen.

    I'm sorry, but you're just stupid and can't see the forest for the trees.

  13. OH, and the entire post was NOT about abuses at the protests, unless that kid and others I mentioned were in D.C. and not where they were killed and abused.

    Repeat your lies long enough, and SOMEONE will believe them, huh? lol

  14. anyone who would want to do anything would be best not to post on any blog, remember how the nsa and the rest of the feds track everyone and everything posted on a blog, your surfing habits along with all cell phone calls. best to just stay under the radar until the sh!t hits the fan then be prepared to protect your self and your loved ones. And don't tell anyone anything! be nice to everyone but have a plan to kill everyone!

  15. 819 did not see any of the videos on Youtube. Some folks turn a blind eye, and complain their agenda without facts.

    Why waste our time with this?


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