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Thursday, November 07, 2013

6 Charts That Show How The War On Fat Was A Gigantic Mistake

The "war" on saturated fat is the biggest mistake in the history of nutrition.
As people have reduced their intake of animal fat and cholesterol, the incidence of many serious diseases has gone up. We are now in the midst of worldwide pandemics of obesity, metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes.

Studies conducted in the past few decades conclusively show that neither saturated fat nor dietary cholesterol cause harm in humans (1, 2, 3, 4). Scientists are now beginning to realize that the entire low-fat dogma was based on flawed studies that have since been thoroughly debunked.

Here are six graphs that clearly show how incredibly damaging it has been to advise people to reduce their consumption of animal fat.



  1. bacon, the new broccoli!!


  2. What do you want your study to verify?
    What is the answer you want it to have?
    Ok I will do the searches and come up with enough info that supports your cause so that you can profit from it whether or not it is actually true.
    Now here is my bill

  3. Any one who eats animals or products that come from animals is just asking for trouble. The only diet that works is on based on fruits, vegetables - a vegan diet. It is better for the earth and your health. We as a nation are overweight because of an abundance of fast and processed food. If you are over 45 think about what you ate as a child and what you are eating today.

  4. Now the lady who carries her own personalized lard bucket will be a national hero,diabetis and all.

  5. There is nothing wrong with eating meat in moderation, as with anything. It is a necessary component of life.
    Problem is how it is raised and processed.
    Livestock are now eating genetically modified feeds and antibiotics, which are passed into our system.
    Fast food is not even food.
    These massive AG Farms are the problem and so are the genetically modified produce.
    I had to laugh... I was in Sam's club and the Perdue chicken package was actually advertising that their chickens were cage free. What an insult, as this labeling was originally used to insinuate organic and humane raising of livestock.
    I do not think that raising chickens in a house with thousands of others, walking on their own crap is the meaning of the cage free label.
    If the public only knew.
    Shame on Perdue.
    Certain fats are necessary to our diets and are actually good for you.

  6. 12:19 While you are correct, for the most part, the link between heart disease and saturated fats has been debunked time and time again. (Harvard, Cornell and other large test schools have conducted double blind studies proving this)

    12:44 No thanks on the vegan thing. They are a "side", not a meal. And, wait until you're older, and all of the problems start arising... down there.


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