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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

47 Bodies Left In The Wake Of Hillary Clinton: Part 1

Hillary Clinton is circling the wagons and salivating over a presidential run in 2016: Hillary accrued power and her life-long dream of being POTUS is nearing.

But not so fast Hillary. Take a look at the bodies mysteriously left in Clinton’s wake!

1 – James McDougal 

James McDougal
Convicted Whitewater partner of the Clintons who died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.



  1. All I can hear anymore when I see her mug is that cackling voice "what does it matter".

  2. I would prefer honesty over the 5th.At least her decision to speak let us know how she really feels.

  3. unless you lived through this sleezy, corrupt time in history, you would never understand.

    yes; i know there have been others, but my goodness this one was really one of the worst. dirt was flying everywhere, people mysteriously dying and disappearing, money "lost" reputations lost and on and on and on.

    actually this time in history may surpass this, but at least the clintons would come in second. they're NOT to be trusted under any circumstances.

  4. More dead bodies on the way ,the Clinton's are more deadly than the Mafia or even Obama.

  5. James McDougal was a sleazeball but his wife, Susan, was hot to trot.


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