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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Yes, Feds Can Take Your Deposits

Global trend sparked by Cyprus' confiscation of accounts balances

NEW YORK – Can the federal government confiscate all the deposits in an American citizen’s FDIC-insured bank account?

The answer is “Yes.”



  1. Good thing I have no money.

  2. I guess they're trying to ruin the banking industry now. Who the hell wants to put their money in the bank if they think it will be taken? I imagine money orders will become the future for paying bills.

  3. Your an idiot 10:48 AM

    your exactly wrong, they will get rid of these to... which is why the govt is pushing for CREDIT ONLY TRANSACTIONS...

    people are too stupid to keep track of their money and if it is out of sight it is out of mind and the govt knows this...

    If you start to hide money or keep it somewhere, they will probably start to go door to door taking your money, I mean cops can do it and have a law saying they can...

    I mean they go into the wrong house on the wrong street which is the wrong color and on then wrong side of the road yet cops can bust in after they said they were doing a 3 year long investigation, shoot the homeowners thinking its a drug dealer and they get to keep all the stuff that they thought was use in or for crimes and get to keep things that may have been bought by drug money and since you can't prove which was or wasn't bought rightly, they get to take it all and use it or put it in the banks...

    Not to mention the fact that nothing happens to these so called cops which are really murderers...

    1. What exactly makes 10:48 an idiot 11:06? Do you have a better solution? Are you one of "them"?

    2. Sounds like 11:06 is an idiot. Bammy is definitely trying to ruin the banking industry!!!

  4. Do any banks offer non-FDIC insured accounts?

  5. You are better off to keep your money elsewhere. My local bank is giving .015% on a savings account. It doesn't make sense to let them use your money and lend it out at 4.5%.

  6. Wow, what would happen if people removed their money from the banks ... Hmmm? I guess they would really not be too big to fail, huh! I will have to get a safe and hide it somewhere in my house, until the feds take away our guns and we get robbed. ......Take our money, take our guns, take our rights, what is left (we are slaves)


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