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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

'Wind Turbine Syndrome' Blamed For Mysterious Symptoms In Cape Cod Town

Sue Hobart, a bridal florist from Massachusetts, couldn't understand why she suddenly developed headaches, ringing in her ears, insomnia and dizziness to the point of falling "flat on my face" in the driveway.

"I thought I was just getting older and tired," said the 57-year-old from Falmouth.

Months earlier, in the summer of 2010, three wind turbines had been erected in her town, one of which runs around the clock, 1,600 feet from her home.

"I didn't put anything to the turbines -- we heard it and didn't like the thump, thump, thump and didn't like seeing them, but we didn't put it together," she told ABCNews.com.

Hobart said her headaches only got worse, but at Christmas, when she went to San Diego, they disappeared. And she said the same thing happened on an overnight trip to Keene, N.H.

"Sometimes at night, especially in the winter, I wake up with a fluttering in the chest and think, 'What the hell is that,' and the only place it happens is at my house," she said. "That's how you know. When you go away, it doesn't happen."



  1. OC should read this. Mayor Rick, are you listening??

  2. Coming your was Crisfield.

  3. BS, there have been windmills in the Netherlands for thousands of years, no problem.

    1. There's a difference between windmills and turbinesL

  4. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction,so the energy expenditure does not simply go away.Everything in close proximity absorbs that energy.The 360 degree expenditure of energy during a rocket launch doesn't simply
    "go away".It affects the entire ecosystem,unless the laws of physics don't apply to NASA.

  5. 11:49
    hardly s comparison to a 600 foot tower with three 300 foot long blades that hum and roar all hours of the night and day.
    Oh, and might I add, operate at best about 20% efficiency and will never pay back the cost of building them over their lifetime.

  6. No one has mentioned the problem that occurs if you are between the wind turbine and the sun. Then you will experience the "blink factor" each time one of the blades comes between your windows and the suns rays! Google it, read about it, and then decide if you want a wind turbine within 1000 feet of your property.


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