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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Widespread Fraud Reported In Social Security Administration's Disability Program

A two-year investigation by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has found widespread fraud in the Social Security Administration's Disability Program.

The fraud is so rampant, and disability cases have so proliferated in recent years, that the Social Security's Disability Trust Fund may run out of money in only 18 months, says Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., whose office undertook the investigation.

Coburn’s report on widespread fraud, released Monday, focuses in large part on a veritable "disability claim factory" allegedly run by attorney Eric C. Conn out of his small office in Stanville, Kentucky, a region of the country where 10 to 15 percent of the population receives disability payments.



  1. And this is a shock?!

  2. That's common knowledge, everyone I know on it abuses it. Start cutting the free programs.

  3. The 60 minute report with Senator Coburn was a shameful report. No program is perfect. One bad lawyer does not mean the whole program is failing. People who are disabled
    Who have worked there whole life and qualify and that the government exam proves they are deserve SSD. The 60 minute story was one sided and not accurate. Most cases are denied, that really should be approved. The senator should look into all the pork projects that waste billions a year. In addition Coburn should spend more time on solving the shutdown that is bringing this country to its knees.

  4. All you need to do is know what the law says. Is ther eany job in the US economy that this person can fullfill? End of story. Makes me sick to see people on disability with what amounts to a hangnail. Jesus, just go to Sams Club and see the girl greeter with no arms, she's working, she proves the fraud of the system everyday.

  5. A former PRMC employee was fired for falling asleep on duty a few years ago. Instead of trying to find a job she applied for unemployment with a better direction for her future. She doctor-shopped until she found someone who would fill out the disability papers. She was finally approved on her third try. Today she collects disability and assistance with her electric. She happily attends all social, musical, etc events put on by SU for free. She's not embarrassed about using the system.

  6. 1:07 maybe you have that person confused with Laura or shanie?


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