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Monday, October 21, 2013

WATCH LIVE: President Speaks On ObamaCare

President Obama speaks on ObamaCare from the Rose Garden. WATCH LIVE on Fox News and FoxNews.com.



    ..F HIM.

  2. I'm watching the lies flow out of his mouth. The ACA is going to do this, it's going to do that.
    Anyone with an ounce of decency in their blood would be ashamed at this abomination.
    All he's doing is still trying to sell his garbage. Fact stands he's underestimated the American people's intelligence and finally a lot of people are wising up to this lying ghetto hustler.
    No one is signing up. No one wants to carry the cost of others. It's already being projected that those who have enrolled are going to see drastic increases in premiums because the healthy are not signing up like they thought.

  3. All he's doing is attempting to baffle people with BS. The intelligent can see right through him.

  4. I cant understand how he can stand there and lie to the American Public like that,Obama is a chronic liar and it brings nothing but dishonor to the Presidency.

  5. anonymous 11:58, How about, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". It's a liberal thing.

  6. MY friend has a wife and 3 Children before Obama care there deductible was $500 now its $2000 so now they Don't or cant go to the hospital for issues ...so how is that preventituve medicine???????


  7. Lips were moving; draw your own conclusions about the veracity of his words!

    History will not be kind to this serial liar.

  8. 12:06 you get it now?
    It's designed to prevent your access to medicine!
    Obamacare's success is measured by how great the failure is.
    It's just like his entire Presidency.
    It is designed to bring down capitalism,
    To destroy America.
    He is a Communist. His intent is to bring down this country.


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