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Thursday, October 24, 2013

U.S. Spent $3.7 Trillion On Welfare Over Last 5 Years

New research from the Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee shows that over the last 5 years, the U.S. has spent about $3.7 trillion on welfare. Here's a chart, showing that spending versus transportation, education, and NASA spending:


  1. this is what you get when you destroy the American workforce

  2. The system is broken and I'm guessing like 80% of the people on Welfare don't actually need it. For those people that are perfectly capable to work but choose not to, should be forced to do like 40 hours of community service if they want to collect welfare. The number of people on welfare would probably drop tremendously. But oh wait stupid liberal morons would never go for this because they need the votes of the lazy to stay in office.

  3. This is absolutely un sustainable, our country is going broke (it is broke) with all the give aways. It has destroyed the get up off your lazy ass and get a job doing something. Why would anyone want to find a job when they can do better on the take. This crap has got to stop.

  4. yeah 307, tell grandma to get off her sorry rump. I mean, she does account for the majority of that bar in red.

  5. 4:41, please link to your supporting statistics. Thanks.

    At least 2:27 admitted guessing (that figure probably being wrong, too.)


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