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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Those Who Haven't Served To Be Recognized As Veterans

Members of the National Guard and Reserve who are serving at least 20 years but have not yet been called up for active duty may soon be granted full veteran status. The bill proposed by Rep. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) passed the House unanimously. The Congressional Budget Office says the bill is cost neutral and military retirees who would fall under the bills jurisdiction would receive no extra benefits besides being legally recognized as veterans for their two or more decades of service to our country. The bill now heads to the Senate.


  1. Has this got something to do with keeping "veterans" from owning guns? The bammy system is up to something.

  2. I see no problem with this. I'm surprised that they weren't already considered as veterans. They march, they train, they serve, and some have died doing it. This is the first thing out of DC in a long time that hasn't pissed me off or cost me money. Or both.

  3. Pretty disrespectful to say people who have been in the National Guard for 20 years "haven't served."

  4. Not in a foreign war they haven't.


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