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Thursday, October 24, 2013

System Failure

The rolling fiasco that is the launch of the health-insurance “exchanges” — the government-run online marketplaces at the heart of the Affordable Care Act — is something the Obama administration is attempting to explain away as a “glitch,” but it now threatens to throw an entire AutoZone worth of wrenches into the Rube Goldberg machine that is Obamacare. Health and Human Services managers close to the project privately say that hitting early enrollment goals will be all but impossible. The White House has called the situation “unacceptable” (yet it is accepted); insurance companies attempting to use the system are in a state of panic; only a handful of states have their own working exchanges; and the federal exchange is snarled up in Washington’s usual managerial incompetence. Nobody knows how long it will take to fix the problems, or whether they even can be fixed. The president has said that there is “no excuse” for this mess, but there is no one taking responsibility either, nor any credible timetable for getting it sorted out.

In retrospect, those Republicans who sought a delay of Obamacare’s implementation would have been doing the Obama administration — to say nothing of the country — a favor had they been successful.



  1. HaHaHa! If the liar in chief and his peanut gallery of equally as dopey democrats had only listened to the GOP and delayed this not only would it prevented them from looking more stupid then they are but would have prevented the shut down. Though it is amusing to watch the liar in chief's "signature" bill fall flat as all intelligent people knew it would.

  2. That's not all. Bank transactions will be charged a fee of 1% per customer outta their accounts beginning in Jan. 2014. Coming in or going out. Hows that all you OBAMMA supporters. I have my grandpappy tin cans ready to bury in the back yard before this goes into effect.

    1. I have a metal detector 1:15. Where do you live?

  3. The govt. can't manage a websight but say they can manage our healthcare?

  4. The 1% thing isn't happening, 1:15 - look it up.

  5. 1:15pm- haven't heard about this, could you tell us more about this please?


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