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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Stop Common Core In Maryland

Sign the Petition to Stop Common Core!

We can stop Common Core by repealing it at the state level.
Please call and email these legislators and tell them to introduce/ co-sponsor/ support legislation to repeal Common Core.

Sen. Jim Mathias
Del. Mike McDermott
Del. Norman Conway
Del. Charles Otto

If you would like to volunteer to help us stop Common Core, please contact Fran Gebhart at 410-430-0604 or email fgebhart1@gmail.com.


  1. I have two children in the public school system, one absolutely detests the common core, and is struggling when she used to have straight A's, and the other has thrived from it, and is enjoying school fir the first time in his life, and has gone from C's to A's-excelling! He doesn't feel like he isn't "smart" anymore, and in the past has made reference that "only the smart kids" are allowed to participate in special activities. I knew he was capable all along, and now he knows it THANKS TO COMMON CORE! I spoke with the other child's teacher who agreed to allow her to use the traditional methods. There are options available. I will not sign this petition.

  2. Common core was a Jeb Bush program and he is still behind it 100%. But I guess he is a big Rino to the people on here.

  3. Don't feel stupid anymore But Still IS.

  4. Anonymous said...
    I have two children in the public school system, one absolutely detests the common core, and is struggling when she used to have straight A's, and the other has thrived from it, and is enjoying school fir the first time in his life, and has gone from C's to A's-excelling! He doesn't feel like he isn't "smart" anymore, and in the past has made reference that "only the smart kids" are allowed to participate in special activities. I knew he was capable all along, and now he knows it THANKS TO COMMON CORE! I spoke with the other child's teacher who agreed to allow her to use the traditional methods. There are options available. I will not sign this petition.

    October 24, 2013 at 11:50 AM

    I bet you voted for Obama and I bet you kids is still one of the dummies who can't make it in the Magnet Program, GATE or STEM or AP.

    If that makes you feel better then shame on you.

  5. Norman Conway won't budge because Common Core is the Obamacare of education.

  6. I would love to see what everyone actually knows about common core. You all complain but I bet you couldn't explain it.

    Can't wait to see the responses.

  7. Waste of time. Signing this petition won't do squat. Same thing happened with the Maryland State curriculum a few years ago and it stayed around for awhile.

    By the way, Common Core methods have been around for years. In Reading, it was called Whole Language instruction.

    Is a great way to teach math. Don't just teach formulas but teach kids WHY they got the answer.

    Oooo...shame on us for teaching kids how to think and not just plug numbers in a calculator.


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