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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Spite: White House Reinstalls Barricades At World War II Memorial

In a move being seen by many as part of President Obama's spiteful and vindictive campaign to intentionally inflict pain on Americans, barricades -- nicknamed "barrycades" after Obama -- were reinstalled around the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., after they were torn down and dumped in front of the White House, Twitchy reported Monday.

"That’s right," Twitchy said. "The spiteful and vindictive President Stompy Foot strikes again."

"Installing new government shutdown barricades at World War II Memorial," tweeted FoxDC's Dave Rysack, who issued a picture of the barricades being reinstalled.

For some, like the Twitchy staff, the move was simply childish.


See what others are saying about this HERE


  1. Amazing that sob had no personnel involvement in this country,s wars or any part of his family participated in our freedoms which is why he is president do to his muslim following. Hell with him.

  2. I would not have expected anything else from him...

  3. It's really time for impeachment.

  4. I'm sure the "White House" is behind this decision. They also are in charge of timing all of the traffice signals throughout DC and the rest of the country. So next time those pesky traffic signals are out of sync...blame it on the "White House".

    1. Obama Crooked MotorsOctober 14, 2013 at 11:10 PM

      Sure they.are. And if they claim they are not, so We the People Demand To Know.Who Is In.Charge Of It.and Who Is Wasting Out Taxpayer Dollars?! But so far we have not heard anything. Hold on, there is report those Crazy Republicans Are.Climbing Over the White House Fence to Get the Barrycades So They Can Put Them Back Up, Right?!! Valerie Jarrett is that you running the show again, while Barry is spending his "valuable" time at.the.golf.course?

  5. He is like a big kid. Wants to be a bully..know what happens to bullies?
    He is pushing the Dems over the point of return. they will never be respected again. Even by those they support.And he better hope the vets dont return.

  6. DEATH BY HANGING PER ABE LINCOLNOctober 14, 2013 at 3:00 PM

    Time to carry out the old method of TREASON...

  7. He will swear Harry Reid did it!!
    Probably did!!

  8. Barrycades everywhere.

  9. If the memorials have to be barry-caded, then Camp David should be also. Guess we can't afford fuel for Air Force 1, either. This bully is going to cause a revolution.

  10. Toddler in Chief?
    The big kid in kindergarten.

    And how many decent people voted for this scumbag not knowing any better while calling the non supporters racist?

    Told ya so, Barryfools.

  11. Mark Levin warned everyone on Capitol Hill that if they lay a hand on the WWII vets at the memorial to arrest them for visiting their own memorial, he’ll bring a half a million people to march on Washington. He says it will ignite a movement like they’ve never seen before.

    "I want to say this loud and clear to the people on Capitol Hill who are listening, to this administration. You lay one damn hand on one of those World War II vets at that memorial and I’ll bring half a million people to that damn memorial! You got that?!

    "I’m sitting here stewing thinking about this – playing these damn games? You’ll ignite a movement in this country like you’ve never seen before! The biker patriot army – veterans from all over the country, every single war and battle in this country, Republican, Democrat, Independent, whatever!

    "I’ll be damned if one president, with his feet up on the desk in the oval office, with a smirk on his face, looking at his golf card…I’ll be damned if this president or anybody else is going to shut down that WWII memorial. Period! These men are in their 80s and 90s.

    "So let me repeat! You lay one hand on one of those men and arrest them for going to their memorial, which they fought for, which was not paid by you dammit, it was paid by the American people – we will come out of every town and city in this nation! We will come out of every county. And both coasts! Both borders! And we will march on Washington against your tyranny!

  12. The SPITE house BARRYcades.


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