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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sources: White House Told Insurance Execs To Keep Quiet On Obamacare

(CNN) -- White House officials have pressured insurance industry executives to keep quiet amid mounting criticism over Obamacare's rollout, insurance industry sources told CNN.

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After insurance officials publicly criticized the implementation, White House staffers contacted insurers to express their displeasure, industry insiders said.

Multiple sources declined to speak publicly about the push back because they fear retribution.

But Bob Laszewski, who heads a consulting firm for big insurance companies, did talk on the record.

"The White House is exerting massive pressure on the industry, including the trade associations, to keep quiet," he said.


  1. Why are they bitchingTHEY ARE THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM...So obama lied to them too??..having buyers remorse for bedding with a communist...too bad...guess drug companies will be next to complain. And after all the backroom deals promised them massive profits...everything obama does turns to crap...

  2. "Don't do this to me."


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