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Friday, October 18, 2013

Someone at SBYNews is EXPECTING!

Well it's official! I have some good but shocking news! Someone at SBYNews is EXPECTING! Woot! Woot! A little over 9 weeks and counting. I know, I'm shocked too. I can hardly believe it myself. I wasn't going to post it. But since you're all my family & friends, I wanted to make it official. I'm too overwhelmed to keep it a secret!!!! Who would have guessed that me... Of all people would be expecting?! But I am!! I'm expecting Santa in just 10 1/2 weeks!  Let's see how many people read the whole status. I know everyone won't!


  1. In that case, I'm expecting too!

  2. gosh, why not; i'm 66 and i'm expecting too. woooohoooo; who knew.

  3. I hope you're happy now, because Santa lost the map to my house about 28 years ago. I send him letter after letter and guess what he sends me? Bills and more bills plus those crummy discount flyers. Do you have the address for the Easter Bunny? I'll be glad when Fuzzy gets a GPS in that slaymobile, cause I'm due for sum good junk this year.

  4. Joe,

    I want to know if you will be doing anything great on thanksgiving or x-mas for the kids or the less fortunate people in the SBY area?

    What I mean is, A few years back you did a food or money drive to get items for people in need, are you or would you still be doing this?

    If so, I would like to contribute to the cause...

  5. Joe WTH do you think of this? This proves that Jim Ireton has lost his mind! Was this job or position even announced or advertised? Did anyone get an interview? Obviously Lore didn't. She would be foolish to take the job because Ireton would fire her again. Is this even legal. Please, Please, Please post this article. The citizens deserve to comment on it.

    Fired worker candidate for top post

    Despite ousting in July, Ireton nominates Loré Chambers as city administrator

    Oct. 18, 2013 2:54 AM

    Written by Deborah Gates and Jeremy Cox

    Staff Writers

    SALISBURY — Mayor Jim Ireton nominated two candidates Thursday to fill the city’s top administrative post.

    One was seated a few feet from Ireton at a news conference he had called to announce the picks and the filling of two other municipal positions. The other would learn about her nomination for the first time much later from a news website.

    For Loré Chambers, the news was bittersweet. Since Ireton fired her from her job as assistant city administrator in July, the city has been fighting her application to receive unemployment benefits, citing misconduct as her reason for dismissal.

  6. Make a good story out of 11:57AM. Jim Ireton is a lying idiot.

  7. You seriously need to get fixed.But alas,your not broken.I hope Santa finds my house this year.I bought a flare gun to signal him if I think he's near.

  8. He teaches children in this county.

  9. Congradulations! I hope you have a healthy and safe Christmas filled with God and Santa. Oh no am I allowed to say that word?


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