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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Salisbury Fire Boat To The Rescue Today. Wait... There's No Fire!

Getting the flat spots off the props today!


  1. Been to Crisfield for lunch.

  2. The pop pop river fishing trip.

  3. Gotta make sure the equipment works. Maybe it will fail when you need it?

  4. I recognize that bend in the river. It's pretty far downstream, a couple of miles past Upper Ferry. And they are heading upstream, so just how far did they go? Rumbley for Crab Cakes? Oh damn, they are closed during the week now, who knew?

  5. Without proper fuel treatment, the ethanol in the gasoline will screw up the carburetors. So they must burn off the existing fuel in the tank and replace it with new. In 6 months it will have to be done again. But I feel good about it because I live on the East side of town about a mile from the Zoo and I'm sure that cannon can reach my house from the river.

  6. Any motorized vehicle needs to be run regularly or it will deteriorate very quickly. Especially with gasohol, which undergoes a chemical change over time and plugs up the injectors. Maybe they were just using up the old gas.

  7. Vinegar or ketchup with your fries?October 22, 2013 at 9:25 PM

    I believe that the stretch of river has a no wake- 6 mph limit so as not create waves that will no erode the shoreline.If they needed to run the engines they can do that at the dock. Are the volunteer firemen allowed to take the boat out for a cruise or is it only a toy for the paid maids? Also, who was protecting Salisbury while these paid clowns are find new ways to screw the public? Your dedicated volunteers at stations 1, 2 and 16.

  8. It's about a mile south of Upper Ferry. They were south of there for about a half hour, 45 minutes. Pure gasoline, available at Fox Market and tanker trucks everywhere, alleviates the gasohol storage problem. They can't fish down here because the sewage level is too high.

    So, it's just s joy ride, folks! How's your wallet feeling? Photographer

  9. the boat does not run off gas. it runs off diesel. running a boat in the slip does not clean the bottom off and make sure everything is working. would rather them use the boat and train or just run it then let it rot away in the slip like that last one and the one before that.

  10. the fireboat is diesel powered. you knowthey dont care about a speed limit or a wake law. you get what you pay for. thankssjd

  11. The budget requires that 100 gallons of fuel be used per month. If this is not used , next years budget will be lower.
    We will use this fuel every month , it has to be done .
    Please people , let us do our job of spending like the rest of this city.
    Anyway , we have nothing else to do , it's boring setting around the pool table.

  12. Not suppose to train on any of the equipment? How does someone get proficient, if you do not use it?

  13. And there never will be. (a fire)
    what a waste of our money.

  14. I saw it on the river one day all the way down to the Whitehaven Ferry.

  15. To the guys up top... any person using ethanol gas in any small motor, including boat motors, should have their boat removed from them for being an idiot. As if boats don't break down enough.

  16. Checking for enemy subs that might be sneaking up it river! Don't worry, this time is was a false alarm!

    ps - tanks for da boat Gary

  17. 5:24 PM- You are surely an idiot and probably a Salisbury creeer fire employee to boot ( they go hand in hand). If you don't use it this year you won't get the money next year. That is called fiscal responsibility- something that the so called leaders at SFD do not have. If you don't use the money, don't spend for the sake of spending; send it back to the treasury to lower next years taxes.
    But this administration is tax and spend. How many chiefs cars are in the SFD. How many are taken home, either in the city limits,in the state of Maryland, to neighboring states? Are the chiefs who use the cars for personal forays required to reimburse the city for fuel used on non fire related activities( grocery shopping, department stores, running to affairs at the local fire hall or station). Are the proper IRS forms filed regarding personal use of take home calls as a taxable benefit?


  18. How long before someone puts a restaurant on the water with a drive through for boaters? Year round customers are assured!

  19. They went Green Hill probably. They go there regularly.


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