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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

PRMC Employee Commits Suicide

An employee of PRMC who had been employed with PRMC committed suicide last Friday. It's been reported she had allegedly been let go after 30 years of what some have said very dedicated service. I had been told she worked at AGH and PRMC and the 30 years was a span of both combined jobs. 

This employee had been on Family Medical Leave for some time but had also had some serious personal issues as well. While many at PRMC are upset at PRMC for allegedly letting her go on Friday, I had learned there was much more to this story on a personal level and quite frankly I'd ask those employees keep an open mind.

While I will respectfully not get into those details, I'd simply ask them to not hold PRMC to blame. I'm sure, (if true) if she were fired it could have easily added to what had already been an ongoing issue. I had been asked to publish this information and have done so. However, after hearing the details I will strongly suggest every one chill out on this one because there truly is a lot more to this story. 

We're sorry for your loss. 


  1. Condolences to the survivors. The deceased is now in a better world.

  2. I hope Obama is happy now...October 1, 2013 at 12:30 PM

    So Sad, Employee and family are in our prayers...

  3. What a wonderful woman she was. May you rest easy, Mrs. S. <3

  4. Joe over many years you have certainly earned my trust. unlike the local news stations. may the Lord give some peace to this family .

  5. My sincerest sympathy to this lady's family and friends.

  6. THis is merely one outcome that should have been taken into consideration when PRMC decided that these layoffs were necessary.

    Did PRMC take any initiative to set up an Outplacement service or counseling? To think that everyone would be fine with their decision to layoff hundreds of employee is foolish.

    PRMC has a duty to all of its employees leaving to ensure that they make the smoothest transition as possible into what is going to be a very turbulent time in their lives.

    While I will not go as far as to blame PRMC they should have identified the people that most needed additional services. After all these people helped to make PRMC profitable over the years. The least that is owed to them is a sincere concern for their future.

    What I am seeing is the impersonal and irresponsible handling of a situation that required some tact and much forethought.

    Suicide is a personal choice. And it is almost never the right one. My condolences to her surviving family. I am sure this is a gut wrenching experience.

    1. Your response is ludicrous. According to you anytime a person gets laid off the employer should help transition then into a regular life. The only employee in the world that need to do that is the military

  7. To the person who spaces between every open thought. Please stand down for once.

  8. I once read that God forgives all those who commit suicide because they are overwhelmed and have no peace of mind at that moment. I truly believe that. May God bless this family and help them to cope with the loss of their loved one.

  9. PRMC's bosses (leadership is not an applicable term) appear to have been totally tone deaf to the nuances related to their massive layoffs.

    Their woes have roots in both external and internal events, but their failure to deal promptly, fairly and transparently with staff and community must rest with the bosses.

    They should remove any and all references to terms like 'caring' and 'compassion' from their many and varied publications, web pages and PR materials until new bosses are in place and have demonstrated those words again apply.

  10. I hope mitzi, beth, craig and the rest of hr feels bad now. I got laid off too and they sat there saying they understand. My arse.

    Rip.... I feel your pain :/

  11. 3:01 Your ignorance of common business practices is apparent. If this is such a ludicrous position then why do Outplacement services exist? Free market capitalism says its there because there is a need for it.

    We are also not talking about a layoff of 10 people. We are talking about a substantial company wide layoff in the 100s.

  12. 3:06 PM
    Does my punctuation and grammar offend you? How about the content? Thanks for contributing nothing. I am sure you could not wait to type that one in.

    Its called being petty. Congratulations.

  13. Only God can judge.

    Only God knows what is in our hearts.

    But I assure all that suicide is a very damning sin. You go that route and Hell is a very likely outcome.

    One thing for sure. God loves all of us and will bless us if we will call out to him. He will bless the family.

  14. 5:03 Couldn't do it could you? Always something hurtful and negative.

  15. They are laying off so many people with no care at all as long as the top ones still get their pay check they don't care. But they are still buying up land to expand. Where is the sense in that? For being a non profit, looks like they are worried about the profit.

  16. Peggy and the rest only care about them selves. There are so many good people who really do care and yet the bottom line is the only one they care about is the almighty dollar How would they feel if this happen to them. Why in the world wouldn't they take a pay cut if they are so caring and compassionate. Well we all know the money that will line there pockets.

  17. Over 2 million dollars a year in payroll for No.1 and no.2 staff.

    Is Salisbury getting their money's worth?

    R.I.P. and condolences to family and friends.

  18. You worked hard on that one!

  19. Anonymous said...
    To the person who spaces between every open thought. Please stand down for once.

    October 1, 2013 at 3:06 PM

    You think there is only one person who does that? You are even more small minded than your usual display.

    Unlike you and some others, some people actually paid attention in school.

    We can spell, use grammar and know what paragraphs are and how to separate them.

    And being it ticks you off, I'm sure even more people will join in, and that's a good thing.

    Comments might be understood more often. Since you rarely have anything of merit to offer, why don't YOU stand down for a bit.

    At best you are a mere distraction.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Your response is ludicrous. According to you anytime a person gets laid off the employer should help transition then into a regular life. The only employee in the world that need to do that is the military

    October 1, 2013 at 3:01 PM

    Wow, in which comic book did you learn that word?

    And pray tell, where did you ever get the notion that the military has a monopoly of helping people transition?

    Regardless, they haven't been doing such a good job at that. Ever hear of PTSD?

    Go look it up, we'll wait.

    Like we are still waiting for the mv code that you can't find.

  21. SO, How is Obama working for all of you?!

    Regarding the woman who killed herself - I'm sorry that she did, but - She took the cowards way out!! She has been a nurse for thirty years?!
    She has been around and seen alot and she OF all people know about personal stuff and issues!! Sorry, but she has many ways of getting help! Sorry for her family!!!

    But like they say on Espn about some off the football plays- Come on, Man!!

  22. 10:09 : Really. I hope that something of this nature never touches your family. Or for that matter anyone else on this blog who has something negative to say.

    No one knows how they will handle a situation unless they are actually in it.

  23. being fired is no reason to end your life. its a job. cant blame prmc.


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