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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Poll: Democrats Lose LeadIin Congressional Generic Ballot

In another edition of the polls the media won't cover, between September 29 and October 6, Democrats have lost a four point lead in Rasmussen's generic ballot that asks voters if they would vote for a Democrat or Republican in the upcoming midterm elections. That poll is now tied at 40% - 40%. At the end of last month, Democrats led 42% - 38%.

The media continue to run headlines that read, "Poll Shows GOP Taking Share of Shutdown Blame," which is true. Most polls show Republicans are at a single-digit deficit when compared to Democrats (still, a vast improvement over the 2-to-1 deficit the GOP faced in '95). But all that matters is what happens on Election Day.



  1. That leaves 42 percent of uninformed indoctrinated spoon fed people still voting Democrat.

  2. What Ronald said.., and I've bookmarked Rasmussen's Polls, it appears to be an informative site.


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