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Monday, October 21, 2013

Police Smell Meth, Raid Home, Kill 80-Year-Old, Find No Meth

The widow of an 80-year-old man who was shot dead by police during a drug raid on their home is suing for $50 million.

On the night of June 27th, Los Angeles County deputies raided the home of Eugene Mallory and Tonya Pate. Authorities claim they had probable cause to search the premises because they could smell chemicals used to make methamphetamine while standing outside the house. Police suspected Mallory of being involved in an illegal meth ring.

Mallory was asleep in bed when police entered his home. Pate said her husband has bad eyesight, and couldn’t tell that the men entering the house were police officers without his glasses.



  1. we can all sleep well at night knowing these idiots are on the job.

  2. Cuz they can use the I smell as probable cause to search shit that wouldn't make it so... it also depends how they smelled meth, walking down the street or walking a dog outside the house or down the street, all in which are illegal...

    My question is, what happens to the people who defend themselves when a fake raid happens... what I mean is, what if the officers are wrong, and or thought wrong and then raided a home where as the homeowner shot the police and actually survived? what happens to them? do they get jail time? to the cops get jail time? (I know cops won't get jail time silly)...

    I mean there are people now dressing up as cops and FBI and all trying to break into homes...

  3. That sounds like a real career ender. Unless of course your part of bammy's goon squad.

  4. It may be time to lay off the stupid Cops...

  5. Ok, I'll bite on this one so you can all attack me, but at least that will give you something to do today.
    Police are using what they assume to be their normality on citizen that have never had to deal with such situations, kill people and then say it was justified.
    So me, non-druggie, have a bunch of guys break into my home, start yelling at me, in the dark, and I am supposed to comply? You have several guys in the dark, all shouting at you at the same time, as you are awoken from slumber and you are automatically suppose to just comply not knowing what is going on?
    In the dark I am simply supposed to assume you are the cops, even though I have never experienced anything like this in my life before?
    So they found pot, how much? a joint? a garbage bag full?
    On one other post a cop stated "Cops do not get any special training when it comes to dealing with special needs people". Well why not, shouldn't they be? Or is it simply easier to kill them and then say it was justified?
    If you are raiding a home shouldn't you have scoped it out to see who lived there first so you have some anticipation of what you may be dealing with?
    Hand guns are registered, shouldn't they have known the guy may have had a legal firearm?
    The 70 yr old may or may not have had a gun, but to him he was protecting his home from intruders. So you shoot him 6 times? Once wasn't enough?
    What amazes me is the dolts that will justify this, instead of saying, we need to stop killing people and find a better way to do things. Such as the handicapped kid the cops killed.
    Instead of saying "well we have always done it this way", isn't it time to find a better solution?
    They raided the house behind me a few months ago, I heard all the commotion, the breaking down the door, all the cops yelling at the same time, total chaos and confusion. Thing was there were little children in the house. Luckily none of them were killed for non compliance.
    I understand all the risks involved, that still doesn't answer why we have not found a better way to deal with stuff.

  6. Man. Where do I start? Probable cause? What judge signed off on THAT one? I told you -- the police kill and are backed up and excused by "the police are ALWAYS right" DA's and reinforced by judges who know the cases stink and are OBVIOUSLY based on weak or nonexistent evidence. And they STILL stamp their murders and excesses with approval! See how many cops are charged with anything. They already started with the "he had marijuana!!" BS and the "he had a gun!!" line. Kicking in the door at 4:30 am at my house and running in the house screaming would be a SURE way for some cops to leave their boyfriends (you know what I'm sayin') making funeral arrangements. My guns (plural, big time) are ready to rock, 24-7. Its too bad more citizens aren't prepared for the storm troopers doing what they do. Its also too bad that they killed an 80 year old man for nothing. Its also too bad that nothing will change and no one will be held accountable -- the good ole "good intentions" exemption the police have for murdering citizens. Another example of the law not being made for them, just the serfs. Authority without responsibility/accountability is what made the SS so feared ---who were their victims going to complain to??? History IS repeating itself...don't forget to sign your name, you sissy Gestapo wish-you-were tough guys....


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