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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

OMB Director Sylvia Burwell Has Ordered Federal Agencies To Implement Their Shutdown Plans


  1. I feel better already.

  2. I'm sorry. Cities, states and other municipalities have had hardships thrust upon them constantly since NObama took office. Especially those entities run by democrats - just look at Maryland or a city like Detroit or Baltimore.

    It will be painful but it's also necessary. I just hope people have prepared.

  3. Just embarrassing.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1:45 you feel better that regular government employees, military, etc are now going to suffer major hardships ? You are an evil ignorant person. Hope you don't lose your job.

    October 1, 2013 at 9:01 AM

    That's just it you walking assumption. Me and millions like me don't have a job. Haven't had any for years.

    Excuse us if we don't want to hear any whining from government employee's who will miss a few checks, maybe.

    Then they bitch about not have a raise in 3 years. Boofreakinghoo.

    At least they got a job, with bennies. If they, or you, think they/you got it so bad, try to get a job, much less a raise in the private sector.

    Which most of them could not qualify for or keep, because they might actually have to work. And without a union at that.

    Also, for your limited information, the military WILL get paid during this shutdown.

    And if most of these federal workers are non-essential, why do we even need them in the first place? Or at least so many of them.

    I don't wish anyone to lose money, but at the same time, I can't feel sorry for so many that have it better than over 10 million other Americans.

    You really should fact check before you inject stupidity into the internet. There is enough out here already.


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