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Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Obamacare Being Used To Woo Hispanics To Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is using ObamaCare in an attempt to woo Hispanic voters to their side and keep them as Democratic voters. In California, where Hispanics will outnumber whites next year, the effort being made is substantial. In Richmond, California, near San Francisco, the Hispanic percentage of the population is almost 40%, so those charged with selling ObamaCare to the public are targeting Hispanic voters in the area.
Community group representatives are targeting groceries, farmers’ markets, and job fairs across California. Shanti Jensen, who works for the Fresno-based California Health Collaborative, said she’s attended more than 20 events and spoken with roughly 400 people. California Health Collaborative received $940,000 from Covered California to sell ObamaCare’s virtues to uninsured women.



  1. Obama Crooked MotorsOctober 3, 2013 at 8:18 AM

    Holla Amigos, dont be stupid and fall for this bunch of horse-crap. You cant expect anything good from Barry O., when his lips are moving that means he is lying again.

  2. Surprise surprise.


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