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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Obama Suing N.C. Over Voter-ID Law

Follows Holder decision last month to sue Texas

The Justice Department will sue North Carolina on Monday over the state’s new voting law, according to a person briefed on the department’s plans, the latest move by the Obama administration to counter a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that officials have said threatens the voting rights of minorities.

The suit, to be announced at a Washington news conference, follows the department’sdecision last month to sue Texas over that state’s new voter-identification measure. And it comes after a recent warning from Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. that the administration “will not hesitate to take appropriately aggressive action against any jurisdiction that attempts to hinder access to the franchise.”

Under the new law, North Carolina residents are required to show a photo ID at polling places. The law was signed by the state’s Republican governor last month, andcivil right groups moved quickly to challenge it. They said that the law’s requirements will make it harder to vote and that racial minorities will be disproportionately affected because they are less likely to have the forms of photo ID required by the law. In their suit, the Advancement Project and the North Carolina NAACP also argued that voter fraud is not a significant problem in the state.


  1. In a word. Acorn. That's why we want voter id.

    But seriously it's an important thing. Just as important as a driver's license, credit card, bank account, mortgage, etc.

  2. When is someone going to take that traitor down for fraud and treason. I am getting sick and tired of hearing his name, especially with "President" attached to it.

  3. You have to have a photo ID to rent a beach umbrella in Ocean City...if you don't have a photo ID, you can't sign your kid out of school now...ironically, at the Democratic Convention, they made people have a photo ID (2, I believe). But dare have someone show they are who they are supposed to be? Why, how could they ever vote more than once if they have to show ID ?

  4. You need to have ID to get tobacco and alcohol and to purchase a gun, why not show that same ID to have the privilege to vote. Go to the Department of Motor Vehicles and get an ID; they provide them to people that do not drive. Why all the studpidity?? Never mind, ACORN and NAACP --'nuf said.

  5. As much as a drink and drive they have to have an ID. And everybody says you're such a good hard workers so they have to have an ID to cash your check. Wish I was born a Mexican I could do whatever I want to drive without insurance drinking Drive be here illegally all the free help I can get welfare food stamps. the sky's the limit here in the land of the free when your legal

  6. I just heard on the morning news that you need to have an email address in order to apply for obamacare...many low income (Obama) voters don't have a computer. I don't hear anyone complaining about that.

  7. 9:14 They have internet access on their obamaphones.


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