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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

O-bomb-o Care

I wanted to let you know that earlier today I received my "Obamacare enrollment packet” from the White House.

It contained:

· An aspirin and a band-aid.

· An 'Obama Hope & Change' bumper sticker

· A 'Bush's Fault' yard sign

· A 'Blame Republicans first, then anybody and everybody' poster

· A 'Tax the Rich' banner

· An application for unemployment and a free cellphone

· An application for food stamps

· A prayer rug

· A letter assigning my debt to my grandchildren

· And lastly, a coupon for a machine that blows smoke up my ass.

Everything was made in "China" and all directions were in Spanish.
Keep an eye out. Yours should be arriving soon.


  1. I'm glad to see the medical community/doctors moving away from insurance and back to the free market principal.
    If a politician can control you or something that affects you.., they will.

  2. Now that is some funny stuff and very close to the truth!

  3. The only thing they forgot is the HIGH sticker price.


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