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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

More Than Half A Million People Lose Their Insurance Thanks To Obamacare - In Just 3 States

"If you like your current plan," tough noogies.

Throughout the Obamacare battle, the President's biggest - and most transparent - lie about as that "If you like your current plan, you can keep it." From day one, conservatives said that wasn't the case, but the White House and its left-wing media allies swore that it was true. We were told, again and again, that if you're happy the way things are, you probably wouldn't even notice a change.

Someone should explain that to the multitudes who have just had their insurance cancelled due to Obamacare's implementation.

For the last two months, insurance cancellation letters have been arriving at homes across the country, and some concrete numbers have started to trickle in. We now know that, across just three states, more than half a million people have lost their preferred coverage.



  1. Just got a letter two days ago that the group plan that I offer as a small business will no longer be available and I will have to find a new one thanks to Obummer Care! Thanks!!!

  2. Why should anyone be surprised. Obama was determined to destroy America and because of uneducated people he has a good start. Most of Obama's votes came from persons on welfare, food stamps, Government housing and free lunches. He is no dummy. He knows that most American voters are stupid and will reach out for anything free.

  3. But I thought you could keep your insurance and your doctor? NOT!!! Never have and never will vote for them dems.

  4. 10:11, your numbers are slightly off. Whites are the vast majority of Americans, no one gets elected without a substantial white vote. The only dumb asses you see with an Obama sticker are older white couples with license plates from the north east that are just so proud of themselves for screwing all of this up. Even the blacks think he's an idiot.

  5. This is all by design...as 10:11 said, he is out to destroy this country--it is not hard to see his contempt for this great nation. He and his flunkies--Reid, Pelosi, Sebelius, have all publicly stated that they want a single payer system. Your life will literally be controlled by the government. He needs to go--NOW.

  6. 5:45 you will be thrilled when you on medicare, right? It is a single payer system.


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