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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Md. Will Not Pay For Assateague’s National Park To Open; Government Shutdown Hits Two Weeks Tomorrow

ASSATEAGUE — With the federal government shutdown entering its second week, the Obama administration last week announced it would allow the national parks to reopen if the individual states paid for the costs, but no changes are expected at Assateague Island National Seashore.

The country’s 400 national parks have been closed for two weeks now after the federal government shut down on Oct. 1, causing economic hardship in many states, particularly those out west, that depend on a strong fall tourism season generated by its parks in places like the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone, for example. Last week, the federal government announced it would allow national parks and historic sites to reopen if the states paid for the operating costs and some states have already jumped at the chance.

Maryland has a number of national parks and historic sites operated by the federal government, including Assateague Island National Seashore. However, with many alternatives available to state residents and visitors, Maryland is not jumping at the chance to open its national parks, including Assateague, on its own dime.



  1. Anything to make it more painful. But hey has OweMalley ever really helped the people? No, so it's not a surprise.

  2. No md. won't spend a nickel for it's people.

  3. More importantly - Maryland taxpayers should NOT suffer the additional tax burden to do what the federal government should be doing.

    This is the one in a million times that I agree with the governor.

    Vent your anger to DC - that's where this problem really started.

  4. Wonder if they will pro-rate my annual pass and my OSV pass? This is the best time of the year to use it and now I can't.

  5. 8:20 in order for one to agree with your position one would have to agree that it is the federal government that owns the island and that it is the federal government that should maintain it. ther in lies the problem with your argument. maybe this should be a state issue or even a county issue instead of washington spending a dime on it. much less having the ability to "Close it"

  6. They have the state park. Why would they need to open the federal side? Or did they have to close the state side too?

  7. U missed the point, omalley only agrees with the o to keep the pain coming. If it were bush doing this the headline would read, omalley declares that bush is killing the ponies. last time i checked, this wonderful island lasted for hundreds of years without any human.

  8. What is there to open? Let me get this right, they want to pay to open a Beach?

    What do we need, someone to stand at gate to charge you or make sure you have right decals?

    Only the government can take property that is free and put gates around them. I have 4wheel drive, so if I want to go there I will go. If a park is free, we dont need guards.

  9. In the early 1960's there were no park rangers watching your every move. Back then pick-up campers and trailers would set up where ever they wanted, built bonfires at night for the kids, drank beer and rode Honda 50's all over the dunes and beach plus fished non stop. As a kid our collective families spent many weekends down there without federal or state control or greed. It's still there, isn't it? But closed today due to Democratic revenge because they're NOT getting their self centered little way in Wash D.C.. Only after 1965 did big government steal it away from you.

  10. Martin obombma isn't going to do a thing, except raise taxes. he floats on the same boat as his brother, obombma.

  11. 8:20
    You have a problem with taxes to open national parks but don't have problems with us paying taxes for rain taxes and some building that isn't own by us.

  12. Okay,so myself and how many others paid 30 bucks a year for the right to park and go on the beach? About 10,000 if the number on my pass is reflective of the amount sold. SO, thats about 300,000 dollars. Plus all the weekly passes sold to tourists over the summer at 15 bucks each. And how many ORV passes sold at what 75 bucks each? Say another 100,00 bucks. SO, that should be enough money to keep the place running free and clear of the FEDS. Just saying.....

  13. If anyone down there had any balls, a BEACH would be open. No common sense anymore. They have to have a law or someone in a suit tell them what to do. wimps


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