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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Liberals Tell Obama To Bring The Pain

President Obama’s political base is getting worried as pressure builds on him to abandon his “no negotiations” stance over the partial federal shutdown and looming debt-limit breach. The Pentagondecision to suspend death benefits for families of troops killed in Afghanistan is prompting outrage over the Obama administration’s handling of the partial shutdown. Republicans continue to pass legislation that would restore full funding for essential programs, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid continues his blockade and the president has promised vetoes of several mini-spending bills. Obama told reporters Tuesday that he would not allow emergency funding because he wanted to keep the “political heat” on Republicans. But Americans are unlikely to tolerate such gamesmanship where war widows are involved.



  1. Such whimps and fools..we are broke and cannot afford to increase spending...we must cut from the budget eliminate agencies and start weaking the government role over every friggin aspect of our lives not expanding as we now see is thier intention...or we as a free people are SCREWED

  2. This entire shutdown is a Scam. G. Norquist, the Koch brothers and the house/senate members today just made millions of dollars on stock market. The Dow rocketed to the top after Boehner said, "we are willing to raise the debt ceiling" before the republicans meet with the president. The meeting was long with the president. No one is really saying what happen in the meeting between the president and republicans. But one thing is true, the blame game was extremely limited. And, now everyone want to make Ted Cruz the escape goat. Don't that beat all. Joe, your a business man. How much did you make today when the DOW rocketed to a new high? The federal government just ran a scam on the American people.

  3. I don't think it would be wise for obama to say 'no' one more time. The military benefit scandal is causing even his supporters to realize what a jerk he really is.

  4. His new book?

    "THE AUDACITY OF A FRAUD" will be out soon.
    It's basically Alinsky's Rules for Radicals with a new title!


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