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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Judge Won't Block New Gun Laws In Md.

A federal judge has refused to block implementation of Maryland's new gun control law.

U.S District Judge Catherine Blake in Baltimore on Tuesday said plaintiffs in two lawsuits failed to show that implementation would cause irreparable harm to prospective gun buyers and gun shops.

Blake refused to grant an emergency stay of the law. The plaintiffs' attorneys say they would continue to seek a court order to block the measures.



  1. Ha! I could care less. Moved south earlier this year and took my guns, money and liberty with me.

  2. Are we surprised? The Clinton-era appointed judge did exactly what any "good" dem would do.

  3. She could not have read the brief and come to that conclusion based in law. Her decision had to be a political one.

  4. 5:48 All judges are politically appointed and most of their decisions are politically motivated.

  5. The law doesn't mean squat. If I want to get a gun, I'll still get a gun, Crap on the Government!

  6. "Federal Judge"...
    More and more it seems the problem is that we're politely filing briefs asking the jail warden for keys to our cells.

    Ditto @10:20


  7. Better take cover if you are scaredOctober 2, 2013 at 10:13 PM

    Love it 1776...we are rising...

  8. She's scared to lose her job.


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