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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Job At The Beach Attracting A Lot Of Attention

The soon-to-be-vacant city manager position in Rehoboth Beach is attracting plenty of interest.

City Commissioner Patrick Gossett says that 100 people have applied for the position. He says that's higher than the average response for cities of similar size and budget.

The city is working with Cincinnati-based Novak Consulting Group to fill the position. The firm will recommend the top 10 to 15 candidates to the mayor and commissioners.

The city officials will interview three to five of those candidates face-to-face. The target date for those interviews is Nov. 8-9.

Current City Manager Gregory Ferrese's last day will be Dec. 4.


PUBLISHERS NOTES: I found it quite interesting how this municipality hired a Head Hunter Company to search for the RIGHT person for the job and so many applied. Hence the situation in the City of Salisbury below. 


Ireton Announces City Positions / Sends 2 Names to Council for Consideration for City Administrator

Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr. is pleased to announce the following new employees joining the City of Salisbury:
1.      Business Development Specialist: Ms. Laura Kordzikowski brings her experience in Marketing, Communications and Real Estate Development to the newly created city office. She is a graduate of Salisbury University and brings private sector experience to the job.
2.      Assistant Director of Internal Services: Procurement: Mrs. Jennifer Miller brings her experience in Vendor and Purchasing Management to the City’s procurement office. She is a Business graduate of Elizabethtown College and brings her private sector experience to the City.
3.      City Administrator: The following names are being forwarded to the Salisbury City Council:
§  Tom Stevenson, Interim City Administrator named May 16, 2013.  Mr. Stevenson has been with the City of Salisbury since 1988.  He has nearly 25 years of public service and he currently serves as the Director of Neighborhood Services & Code Compliance.  Mr. Stevenson currently chairs the Neighborhood Services Task Force, serves as the Secretary to the Salisbury Historic District Commission and sits on various boards and committees, such as the Mayors Safe Streets Coalition. Tom serves on the Board of Directors for the Maryland Municipal League, is President of the Maryland Code Enforcement and Zoning Officers Association, and is a member of the American Association of Code Enforcement.
§  Dr. Lore’ Chambers

Notice how Ireton shows a resume from Tom Stevenson and not Lore' Chambers. That's right Folks, what you see above is what Ireton put out there to the public. 

Also notice how they looked no further than the tip of their noses. 100 people applied in Rehoboth Beach while Salisbury has a $50,000,000.00 a year budget. Are you smelling the same skunk I am? 


  1. Makes her discrimination lawsuit even stronger. Ireton is gonna get banged on this one and the citizens will have to foot the bill.

  2. Good Ole Boy System at it's finest here in Salisbury. They are actually afraid of doing what Rehoboth did - people might be exposed for all the wrongdoing over time, etc. etc. etc. And it goes on, and on, and on, year after year.

  3. I'm smelling a lawsuit like no other that this city has seen. It will be settled out of court for high six figures. Jimmy will magically have major donations to his campaign treasury and the races will be even more polarized, making democratic leaders happy.

    What a soap opera.

  4. Does she even have a resume? Barry Tilghman created the assistant city administrator position and hired her to fill it. Who were the other applicants for that do-nothing job?

  5. I think it is just sick for ireton to put Ms Chambers on this emotional roller coaster.
    No matter what anyone thinks about her, it is horrible what ireton is doing.
    He took away her livelihood putting her in emotional distress and now because of his compelling need to show off does this.
    He is nothing but a sick SOB.

  6. Business Development Director that should be your job, Joe, with all your business success!

  7. Here's yet another interesting thought. Do you think the rest of the local media will actually take the time to expose this information and compare Rehoboth to Salisbury?

    How about, will they question why there's only TWO people being sent to the Council?

  8. We KNOW you WON that election Joe. You should get an independent organization to investigate how the votes were counted.

  9. It's a real shame that the so-called leaders just continue throwing these kinds of actions in the face of all the decent citizens. Basically, they are saying, " we will do whatever we want, how we want, and when we want and there's nothing you can do about it."

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is what is happening at the present time. This is the only thing these small-minded, scared people have to cling to. They are scare because they have to control everything for fear of losing their control. We, the people are the ones who actually hold the power.

    If we let them believe they can't be beaten, then we will continue to have the same results we always have had. I encourage everyone to break this cycle, and stand up for what is right no matter what.

    Speak up, speak out, and vote for replacements.

  10. What do all you commenters plan to do about it? Whine on Joe's blog as usual? Funny none of you ever seem to show up to council meetings to voice your concerns.

  11. 2:41 is right.

    I think ya'll are crazy, personally, but you should at least make your case known in a public forum. A lot of people in the community don't visit this site.

  12. I have more credentials and experience than both Tom and Lore put together and I didn't even get a chance to apply for the job. What the hell is going on over there?

    Did they even hire the Assistant City Administrator they did announce the job for?

  13. Oh right 2:41 and 3:37. ireton continually shows his true colors. Look what he did to Mr Insley when he dared to disagree. ireton isn't above anything. Look how he is toying with Ms Chambers?
    ireton has mental problems and people with mental problems should be viewed with caution. Someone like him could "go postal" in an instant.

  14. 4:15
    I think you have grammar problems and people with grammar problems should be read with caution.


  15. 1) When and how were each of these jobs posted?

    2) Harassing folks for loose paint, worn shingles and uncut lawns is just a minor subset of what a city is responsible for. Smells worse than the WWTP! Predecessor had certifications up the ying but had been in job-save mode for quite a few years.

    And the 'You're fired, but now I may want to hire you' move reeks of desperation.

    Should be interesting; order large popcorn!

  16. Talk about dissing someone with faint praise....reminds me of the Biblical narration of the beggar dying at the gates and being carried off to heaven by angels while the rich man....just died.

  17. The move saves his a$$ in the lawsuit that will come, 'Hey, look, I nominated her for the position!'

  18. I seem to remember news about a national search in Salisbury when John Pick moved on. What happened to that? Rehoboth got 100 people applying to theirs. Ireton moves forward just two people including one he fired? Why aren't people in Salisbury jumping up and down? Glad I don't live there, although Wicomico County is bad enough.

  19. Anonymous said...
    The move saves his a$$ in the lawsuit that will come, 'Hey, look, I nominated her for the position!'

    October 22, 2013 at 8:54 AM

    Because he is a man of his word!!

    More like a WoMAN!!

  20. Ironically Joe is using the Rehomo Beach comparison.


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