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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

JCPenney Joins Macy’s In Opening At 8 P.M. On Thanksgiving Day

Birds of a feather flock together, especially when there are some particularly tasty crumbs to be had. In thise case JCPenney is joining Macy’s in opening at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, the better to gobble up whichever tasty customers are tempted to start shopping as early as possible.

JCPenney needs this holiday boost to bolster its slippety-sliding sales and struggling image. It’ll open most of its 1,000 stores on Turkey Day, the same as Macy’s, and will stay open for 25 hours straight until 9 p.m. closing the next day, reports the Associated Press.


  1. Boycott!
    Nothing is sacred anymore!

  2. I agree. BOYCOTT! Stay home and enjoy the little time we have with our families, extended families and friends. There is plenty of time to shop/spend. These stores don't care about you, or their employees. They only care about the BENJAMINS!

  3. I agree, greed greed greed, screw you peasant workers and your families. we own you for the pittance we pay and the horrible hours we make you work . Christmas isn't about Jesus, its about money and greed.

  4. What's sacred about Thanksgiving?

  5. Penney's might as well stay closed, they have gone downhill for several years now.

  6. 7:36 its about family, its a time of reflection, sorry you need an explanation. take the day off from the money machine, eat, watch football, enjoy friends and family.

  7. The stores are open because thats what the majority of the buying people want. Dont shop if you dont want, and dont work retail if you dont want to work weekends and holidays.


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