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Wednesday, October 09, 2013

It's Definitive - We've Reached Peak Jobs

The U.S. has reached Peak Jobs--at least the sort that can support a household.

There has long been a quasi-magical belief in the U.S. that capitalism's intrinsic dynamic of creative destruction will always create more jobs than it destroys. The evidence is compelling that this belief is no longer reality-based.

Please examine these charts of employment, keeping in mind that only full-time jobs can support households and pay sufficient taxes to fund entitlements paid by payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) and pay enough income taxes to support the rest of government.

Full-time jobs: the number of full-time jobs is essentially unchanged from 1999 while the U.S. population has increased 28%.


1 comment:

  1. I believe that if she felt she was being mistreated or singled out then civil disobedience is in order. Sit down. Do not say a word and make them remove you. If they file charges they also have to defend their reason for removing you. In many cased charges will be dropped. If they are not then take your medicine. Its a risk but at this point going along with a violation of your guaranteed rights is not going to help anything.

    I am also not suggesting you create a further disturbance beyond making them remove you.


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