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Sunday, October 20, 2013

His Words Will Live Forever


  1. Martin was a great man I bet he would be ashamed of President Obama

  2. Agree 100% with 1:44 PM

  3. That really funny 1:44, what planet are you living on where a man like MLK would be ashamed of the first black American President of the United States?

  4. MLK would bitch slap oscamie...

  5. 1:44 Our Dictator is half black and half white and a 100% Muslim .

  6. You have said it all 2:52, proving yourself to be quite an idiot.

  7. 2:14 please explain other than the color of his skin, why Dr. king would be proud of Obama the banking and military industrial complex whore.

  8. as 2:52 is completely factual and has made a complete sentence, I would say he/she is therefore by default a person above M.R. intelligence and should not be qualified as an idiot by you.

  9. for those of you who believe MLK would have approved of BO; forget it. he was a devout Christian man who believed in America and the values we hold dear.

    the picture and quote should tell you something.

  10. Interesting how much nostalgia there has been lately for MLK. I still remember just how respected he was on the shore in the 60's. I think it is hard for anyone to speculate what he would be thinking (or doing) if he was still with us. Or likewise what we'd be saying about him if he was still here.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That really funny 1:44, what planet are you living on where a man like MLK would be ashamed of the first black American President of the United States?

    October 15, 2013 at 2:14 PM

    MLK was a supporter of civil rights, free speech, and LIBERTY to name just a few.

    This person who you think is a president is against all of them and more.

    So why would MLK be proud of this person just because he is black?

    It seems you and others don't know MLK or that person in the spite house.

    Please deal with facts, not emotion.

  12. MLK would be ashamed of Oblama if he were alive today...

  13. Your arguing with people on here who put trayvon Martin in the same class as MLK

  14. MLK had a dream.
    We got a nightmare.

  15. Thank you 11:23 for putting my thoughts into words. Ditto, only we can't wake up from this one.

  16. You know, King Obama does look a little like Hitler except for the tail....I mean Hitler's of course....gotta be politically correct!


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