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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hillary Clinton To stump For Terry McAuliffe

Hillary Clinton is hitting the campaign trail with Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe this weekend, the first time the former Secretary of State will appear publicly for the Democratic candidate.

Clinton will headline a “Women for Terry” event in Falls Church, Va., on Saturday, where she’ll officially endorse McAuliffe.



  1. Obama Clinton Crooked MotorsOctober 16, 2013 at 10:59 AM

    Virginia Do Not Fall For This Guy. Just a fact that Benghazi Hillary is campaigning for him speaks for itself. Another Crooked Socialist Liberal. Last time she.was endorsing guy in NY.she.was.telling.everyome how great at and talented he.was. His name ANTHONY WEINER.

  2. “Women for Terry”


  3. Obama Clinton Crooked MotorsOctober 16, 2013 at 11:29 AM

    Hookers and Prostitutes for Hillary, Terry and Anthony aka Carlos Danger. VIRGINIA HERE WE COME. JOIN THE WIENER MOBILE BANDWAGON TODAY!

  4. Love how she comes in at the end when he is sure to win. Typical Clinton.

  5. Two POS for Virginia.


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