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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hillary Clinton Heckled: "Benghazi, You Let Them Die!"


  1. George Soros is supporting. Mrs. Clinton. Does his support make you wonder why and is that a good thing?
    What is the real agenda for the U.S. In their vision?

  2. She is a pos traitor.

  3. Stevens died, Clinton lied.

  4. I bet bill cant wait to get back in the WH so he can get more TRIM....Instead of Mrs Spongebob pant legs.

  5. PEOPLE WAKE UP! These people are our problem,they need to go. Not to hold offices,
    She is a traitor and liar!

  6. 4:17-Soros supports her because she as well as all democratic women are subservient slaves to men. He can control her. She always does exactly as she is told to do by men. She is weak and a follower. If she weren't she would have sent her cigar wielding white trash husband packing.
    The only reason Obama appointed theher SOS is because she does as she is told without questioning even if it including lying her butt off for a man.

  7. Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis at Wellesley on King Barack's mentor, radical Marxist Saul Alinsky. Enough said!

  8. Listen, I went to healthcare.gov to try creating a "user" account and it does not work. Whether you "believe" or not, try for yourself. The fact is that you paid OVER $600M to create something that is becoming law and forcing you to do something that you can not. Great Government we have?

  9. Hecklers are programmable drones.They do what they are told to do.Benghazi holds no further political leverage for conservatives.Time to move on.

  10. No it is not "time to move on," 8:20. It's time to rub like crap in the faces of every single democrat every single debacle of this administration.
    It's the only way people will wise up if they are constantly ridiculed and made to look like the fools they are for supporting Obama.

  11. Which one is Hillary? On the right or the left of the picture?


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