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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Harry Reid Has Taken Over The Democrat Party

The sitting President is usually the titular leader of his party. This role can diminish late in a second-term, when possible successors take the national stage. President Obama, it seems, however, has been dethroned early, just months after having won reelection. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is calling the shots for Democrats on the epic political fight over the government shutdown and debt ceiling increase. Obama is almost a bystander. 

The Hill reports, "Reid is now fully in charge of his party’s negotiating strategy, a significant change from past showdowns with Republicans." Worse, for President Obama, "[t]his is a welcome change for Democrats who thought Obama was too accommodating to Republicans during previous crises." 


  1. this little puke barely got re-elected now he thinks he's the king of the hill.

  2. Obama needs all the help he can get.

  3. Reid and the princess are attach at the hips!!!

  4. Harry Reid is your enemy.


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