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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Halperin: Obama Okay With Shutdown Because Media Has His Back

Intentionally or not, Monday on Morning Joe, Time's Mark Halperin revealed to the world how the American media's pro-Obama bias will in part be to blame for any coming government shutdown. When asked if President Obama had an incentive to negotiate with the GOP, Halperin explained that, "The White House does not have much incentive. They think the trends are going to go in their direction at the end of the week, or early next week at the latest; because again, the press is largely sympathetic to their arguments on this."


  1. That might be true for the Sheep. But for the rest of us we know the truth. the mainstream media is nothing more than a government infomercial .

  2. I would think they would be more concerned on the American public's opinion. OH, that's right, they are Dumbocrats

  3. Praetorian Guards for Obama

  4. So, the MSM runs the country, not the Congress and Senate, huh, Barry?

  5. Funny, could have swore Congress is responsible for the budget. Instead of engaging their counterparts, there are alot of repubs who would rather look good on tv throwing eggs at the pres.....at the expense of the American people of course.

  6. Mc carthy was right the communist have imbedded themselves in education..media and government..they have structured the game to their advantage..the truly vigilant are well aware but the ignorant sheep are happy to be led astray....we must all stand tall and support our fine republic....not a democracy or socialist state but THE true REPUBLIC...


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